DCS Fans : Dudes that peaked in High School
I find it best to win people over to your side by using snark, condescending tones, and belittling them. There is never a more surefire way to get someone to agree with than by first letting them you know that you think they are absolutely stupid. Yes, people love criticisms of their intelligence by sarcastic assholes and then being told the things they love are dumb.
Obviously, that is stupid, but others like me do it all the time. You will do that to someone if you have a strong opinion about anything. Internally or externally, you think they and the things they love are stupid. They are, to you.
That being said, DCS fans are dudes who peaked in High School. What separates me from a trollish dickfer is that I will explain that jab. I maintain that viewpoint because I think DCS is the girl who peaked in High School.
She's got the looks, daddy has a decent job and is upper middle class, for the shitty rural county in Kentucky they reside. She made good grades growing up, but as soon as she started to get attention from the boys, she focused more on that. It was less important for her to focus on her personality because teenage boys are only interested in one thing.
Aireal combat over beautifully handcrafted worlds, with details the likes of which the world has never seen. Unmatched fidelity made by the best train enthusiasts for the job. Every nut and bolt is accounted for, every switch has a use, and every warhead has a forehead. If Oceans can't be battlefields now, dudes want to blow crap up in the sky instead.
DCS looks good, and there isn't a single person with a functional brain stem who doesn't see that as a fact. It does not hurt that folks out there are making absolute bangers of cinematic videos using the game. Seriously, have you seen Eli—21? That shit will change your life.
However, like the girl that peaked in high school, looks only get you so far. They get a lot of attention and interest from people who only look at things on the surface, and that's most people. Aesthetically pleasing things like how 16 Small Diameter Bombs impacting an SA-3 site at night glow on the Tpod while you safely egress are fun to watch. Its just that over time you realize that she's got almost no depth, no soul or personality, and has just tried to be whatever she thought everyone wanted her to be.
That's DCS. On the surface, it's a great-looking Combat sim with a lot going for it. It has a dedicated fanbase and following, consisting of dudes who peaked in high school and those who left their hometown and returned for a visit. Those who return for a visit will play a few rounds of a "Dynamic Campaign" in a server and enjoy the ride. Maybe you get a kill or two, blow up some stuff on the ground, and get some sick screenshots.
Then, you start to see the red flags. Money starts missing from your wallet because you keep spending it to make her happy. She will never be satisfied because she's broken inside and has no structure. You get the HOTAS, the Ultra-wide monitor, more RAM than a Dodge Roctober Sale's event, and a rack of video cards. "Oh, you're into Bitcoin?" she asks.
"No, honey, but I get 60 FPS on Hoggit's server in VR," I explain.
"Take me to bed or lose me forever," she whispers.
"I can't, Georgia is at War again for some reason."
Soon you find yourself constantly trying to figure out what will make her happy. You spend more and more money and still the problems persist. Maybe its me? Am I not good enough? Why won't can't I outrate a MiG-29A in my clean F-16C.
Oh, is he taking me into the verticle after a max-rate turn for 30 seconds? What manner of sorcery is that? It's an F-5, yet he outclimbs my F-15. What's wrong with me? Why am I such a shitty pilot?
Your older buddies keep telling you to try something else. "Dude, BMS has way better AI; I know she's not as pretty, and while you can't fuck a personality, you also can't have a conversation with skin." You ignore it because they sound like your dad. Telling you to get a flight suit and a Viper HOTAS. "Son, all you need is a 6-dollar game and 1/16th of the computer, and all you will be happy."
"Fuck you, Dad. You just don't get it. Heatblur makes modules that SPEAK to me..."
I own two vinyl records, a T-shirt, 2 copies of the F-4E Phantom, the F-14, and the Viggen. I will buy the Eurofighter, and I have 0 interest in that; I just want the A-6 so bad I want to pay them for shit I don't even want so they can have a little extra to get them forward.
This is why I can say with confidence that Dad is right. DCS is bad for you, son. When you grow up and realize its flaws, you will either swear off combat flight sims, find a better alternative, touch grass, or stay in an abusive relationship. "She's the best-looking gal in town, so it's okay that she steals from me and gaslights me into thinking I just don't understand game development."
Is BMS perfect? It is for me, and I love her very dearly. She saved me from the most abusive relationship I have ever been in and has always treated me right. It took me a while to realize that good looks and a blouse full of goodies are great, but if she's dumb and doesn't even have a data cartridge, it just aint worth your time, bro.
Obviously, that is stupid, but others like me do it all the time. You will do that to someone if you have a strong opinion about anything. Internally or externally, you think they and the things they love are stupid. They are, to you.
That being said, DCS fans are dudes who peaked in High School. What separates me from a trollish dickfer is that I will explain that jab. I maintain that viewpoint because I think DCS is the girl who peaked in High School.
She's got the looks, daddy has a decent job and is upper middle class, for the shitty rural county in Kentucky they reside. She made good grades growing up, but as soon as she started to get attention from the boys, she focused more on that. It was less important for her to focus on her personality because teenage boys are only interested in one thing.
Aireal combat over beautifully handcrafted worlds, with details the likes of which the world has never seen. Unmatched fidelity made by the best train enthusiasts for the job. Every nut and bolt is accounted for, every switch has a use, and every warhead has a forehead. If Oceans can't be battlefields now, dudes want to blow crap up in the sky instead.
DCS looks good, and there isn't a single person with a functional brain stem who doesn't see that as a fact. It does not hurt that folks out there are making absolute bangers of cinematic videos using the game. Seriously, have you seen Eli—21? That shit will change your life.
However, like the girl that peaked in high school, looks only get you so far. They get a lot of attention and interest from people who only look at things on the surface, and that's most people. Aesthetically pleasing things like how 16 Small Diameter Bombs impacting an SA-3 site at night glow on the Tpod while you safely egress are fun to watch. Its just that over time you realize that she's got almost no depth, no soul or personality, and has just tried to be whatever she thought everyone wanted her to be.
That's DCS. On the surface, it's a great-looking Combat sim with a lot going for it. It has a dedicated fanbase and following, consisting of dudes who peaked in high school and those who left their hometown and returned for a visit. Those who return for a visit will play a few rounds of a "Dynamic Campaign" in a server and enjoy the ride. Maybe you get a kill or two, blow up some stuff on the ground, and get some sick screenshots.
Then, you start to see the red flags. Money starts missing from your wallet because you keep spending it to make her happy. She will never be satisfied because she's broken inside and has no structure. You get the HOTAS, the Ultra-wide monitor, more RAM than a Dodge Roctober Sale's event, and a rack of video cards. "Oh, you're into Bitcoin?" she asks.
"No, honey, but I get 60 FPS on Hoggit's server in VR," I explain.
"Take me to bed or lose me forever," she whispers.
"I can't, Georgia is at War again for some reason."
Soon you find yourself constantly trying to figure out what will make her happy. You spend more and more money and still the problems persist. Maybe its me? Am I not good enough? Why won't can't I outrate a MiG-29A in my clean F-16C.
Oh, is he taking me into the verticle after a max-rate turn for 30 seconds? What manner of sorcery is that? It's an F-5, yet he outclimbs my F-15. What's wrong with me? Why am I such a shitty pilot?
Your older buddies keep telling you to try something else. "Dude, BMS has way better AI; I know she's not as pretty, and while you can't fuck a personality, you also can't have a conversation with skin." You ignore it because they sound like your dad. Telling you to get a flight suit and a Viper HOTAS. "Son, all you need is a 6-dollar game and 1/16th of the computer, and all you will be happy."
"Fuck you, Dad. You just don't get it. Heatblur makes modules that SPEAK to me..."
I own two vinyl records, a T-shirt, 2 copies of the F-4E Phantom, the F-14, and the Viggen. I will buy the Eurofighter, and I have 0 interest in that; I just want the A-6 so bad I want to pay them for shit I don't even want so they can have a little extra to get them forward.
This is why I can say with confidence that Dad is right. DCS is bad for you, son. When you grow up and realize its flaws, you will either swear off combat flight sims, find a better alternative, touch grass, or stay in an abusive relationship. "She's the best-looking gal in town, so it's okay that she steals from me and gaslights me into thinking I just don't understand game development."
Is BMS perfect? It is for me, and I love her very dearly. She saved me from the most abusive relationship I have ever been in and has always treated me right. It took me a while to realize that good looks and a blouse full of goodies are great, but if she's dumb and doesn't even have a data cartridge, it just aint worth your time, bro.
Man, this is so on point. I still fire up DCS for the eye candy and cinematic screenshots, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that she’s all glitz, no soul. I’m in a committed relationship with BMS now—she’s not as flashy, but she’s stable, deep, and respects my time. Once you’ve been treated right, it’s hard to go back to being gaslit by the hot mess you used to think was “the one.” Great write-up.